Egmore Station

Egmore Station
Lines of symmetry

Monday, June 29, 2009


Theres one new post recently on Rgv`s blog 'thoughts that grew me`. when i first read it i felt like he copied my idea of such post before i even implemented it. He states in the post that "we all are born with blank minds and are programmed by parents, teachers, society around and things n thoughts that we catch here and there" and presents few of the thoughts which he has read/heard somewhere.
Not with such a profound intention/idea, i just wanted to post some of the qoutes/phrases that catched my attention, which i spared some time thinking about them. Here are few of them:

1] We are the stories we tell ourselves - Shekar kapur.

2] U get a job, you become the job - taxi drver.

3] ...but because people are weak that they lie to themselves - Rashomon(Kurosawa`s).

4] To define is to limit - Ninoy Job.

5] Looking at work as stepping stones is something I don't have any time or energy for. It seems a shame to look at your work as some sort of means to an end, because the end is death, you know? The means is the flesh and blood, so you'd better enjoy it. F--- the end - James Spader(Alan Shore of Boston Legal).

6] The point of life is that there is no point to it. So the best point we can aim at is to live it point by point and point to point. – RGV.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back 2 Blog

Done with my btp viva, celebrating the eve with a post on my blog. writing the thesis for a btp which i havent done anything is one of the toughest things. but i felt very relieved when out of viva after being subjected to the panel of five profs for 45mins, their repeatative questions, me yelling back at panel(actually not yelling, but i raised my voice).
This is the day i have been waiting from last four year, the day to leave this place. Done with my btp(though a course left over, actually 2 credits short for my btech degree) i feel very free. ANVESH UNLEASHED.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


the prophecy has come true. no posts for a long time. but surely ll write when i want to.... ;)